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Promote your product or organization around town with full color custom printed pennant strings. These custom pennant banners are v-shaped pennants printed double sided on 8 mil opaque polyethylene and double sewn on a heavy-duty plastic-covered header. Instantly eye-catching, pennant strings are sure to attract attention.

Perfect for highlighting your own brand, key partnerships, or sponsorships, strings of pennant banners can help you spread awareness of your own brand or bring in additional revenue by adding sponsor logos.

Sports organizations can use pennant strings in a variety of ways. Use with just your logo to promote your team in venues around town or use with a sponsor logo to create sponsored party or bar areas in your stadium or arena. String flags also can also be used for crowd control purposes such as directing race participants into or out of an aid station.

Businesses and commercial organizations can use strings of pennant banners featuring their logo as a point of purchase display or display them as decorations in showrooms, restaurants, or other spaces where potential customers gather.

While 16.5” high x 11” wide v-shaped pennant strings are the most common, rectangular and special shapes are also available. We also offer solid color pennant string flags.


How many pennant banners are on each string?

Custom printed 16.5”h x 11”w v-shaped pennant banners come in 30’ and 60’ strings. The 30’ pennant strings feature 12 pennant banners across 20’ with 5’ tails on each side and the 60’ pennant strings feature 24 pennant banners across 50’ with 5’ tails on each side. For shapes other than v-shaped, the number of pennant banners on the string will vary.

Are string flags available in different shapes?

Yes, string flags are most commonly offered with the traditional triangular or v-shaped pennant banners, custom printed string flags are also available in rectangular shapes and custom shapes, such as chevron shaped, upon request as well. The shape chosen will determine how many string flags are featured on each string.

Do pennant strings need to be printed with logos or can they be solid colors?

We offer the option for either of these choices. Our custom printed pennant strings are printed double-sided in full color. We also offer solid color pennant strings that are available in multiple size options for the v-shaped pennant banners and an array of color choices and combinations. A variety of solid color v-shaped economy pennant strings are also available.

Product Highlights

  • Eye-catching way to display a logo or message.
  • Custom printed double sided in full color.
  • Triangular, rectangular, and special shapes available.

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