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Product Highlight: Pole Banners & Light Pole Banners

St. Lucie Mets Pole Banners

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Pole banners provide a strong opportunity to consistently reach audiences in a unique way. Typically double-sided and made from vinyl, pole banners or light pole banners are hung from telephone poles, light poles, building exteriors, and many other applications. They are excellent for branding, sponsor recognition, and promoting upcoming events.
One benefit to using pole banners is that light poles and telephone poles are typically found in areas where people consistently walk or drive, such as downtown streets, sidewalks, parking lots, and walkways. Highly visible banners like these are useful for long-term promotions because they will be seen by many different people and will be seen multiple times. This is especially true for light pole banners installed along a downtown street with sidewalks. The message on the banner will be seen multiple times by pedestrians in addition to the various people that drive through town.

NCAA Men's Final Four pole banner university of Phoenix.

Event Promotion

When the 2017 NCAA Men’s Final Four Championship was held at the University of Phoenix stadium, light pole banners were used on a downtown street to build excitement for the event. A simple and bold graphic made the banners noticeable to anyone walking by and easy to read for someone driving by. Using pole banners for large events like the NCAA Men’s Final Four is a great example of how they can support long-term marketing. Light pole banners build excitement and awareness of an event, which means people are more likely to attend or support the event when it happens.

Visalia Rawhide stadium Vinyl Pole banners


Pole banners aren’t just a good way to advertise, they are excellent tools for branding. The Visalia Rawhide, a Minor League Baseball team in California, used pole banners to strengthen branding outside their stadium. They kept their branding baseball-centric with a look to the past, present, and future on their banners, giving their stadium an inclusive feel where all are welcome. Furthering this theme, they highlighted events unrelated to baseball that took place at their stadium, like a wedding. These banners not only do well to set tone of the organization, but also make an otherwise blank wall more eye-catching and attractive.

2017 NCAA Lacrosse championship - Pole Banner


Light pole banners are terrific for branding and advertising for big events, but you can get even more out of them by adding a sponsor logo or sponsored message. For the same reasons that make light pole banners a great advertising tool, they are great for sponsorship opportunities as well. Sponsors can rest assured that they will get their brand in front of many sets of eyes when pole banners are placed in high-traffic areas.

How Else Can you use Pole Banners?

There are many options on how best to implement pole banners for organizations that utilize them. Pole banners can be mounted to many types of surfaces and can be used in a variety of ways. Below are some more projects AMI Graphics worked on that show the versatility of pole banners.

TD Garden- Head of the Charles Regatta pole banners

In the image on the left, we can see how TD Garden used adjacent pole banners to represent both of the teams that call the arena home. This use of pole banners extends team pride to the exterior of the building while strengthening branding simultaneously.

Another way to use adjacent pole banners is to have them complement each other so that the two banners together create one visual. The Head of the Charles Regatta used adjacent light pole banners in concert, with the left banner providing the information for the event and the right banner creating an eye-catching appeal. Together, the two light pole banners make one visual that couldn’t be achieved with just one pole banner.

UNH Wildcat Stadium pole banners

The University of New Hampshire used light pole banners on the walkway that approaches Wildcat Stadium for player recognition. This not only builds excitement for the team and players, but also for recruiting prospects touring the campus.

Branding and advertising are just some of the ways to use pole banners. Their highly visible nature combined with their ability to beautify a dull area make pole banners an excellent option for any type of organization. Contact us today and let us show you how pole banners can make a big difference in your space![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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