In New England, we love our football, especially when the opposition has to play in wintry conditions. However, the ultimate home field advantage can also take its toll on branded signage through the years.
Boston College’s Alumni Stadium fell into that category. The home of the football team and yearly commencement activities needed a bit of freshening up, especially their highly visible sideline pads. Worn and tattered from years of harsh weather, the Eagles had budgeted to replace them in two years, but wanted to do something to help visually bridge the gap.
BC turned to AMI Graphics based on their previous work with the athletic department and noticeably Conte Forum, the school’s hockey arena. With their experience and love of working with college athletics, AMI’s goal was simple: improve the look of the pads without replacing them.
Following an evaluation, AMI’s experts discovered that their vinyl banner pad wraps would be a perfect fit to provide the fresh look Boston College desired, thus avoiding replacement. The team started their installation in the late summer, and coordinated installation around the increased activity of fall practices and events.