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Project Highlight: Maine Medical Custom Information Wall

Waldo County General Hospital - Information Board.jpg

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Waldo County General Hospital’s Cardiopulmonary Department needed a practical place for their customers to find information about the department and their services. A basic information board wasn’t going to cut it, so they turned to the signage experts at AMI Graphics for a custom, innovative solution.

It’s easy to get lost in endless information in the health care industry so we wanted to deliver an eye-catching product that was also practical so customers could find the information they were looking for quickly and easily.

Maine Medical Information Board

The Customized Informational Wall that we delivered took run of the mill information boards up a notch. Standoff hardware was used to highlight the department’s headline and layered to give the sign a 3D look. Text was also directly printed to a unique wooden substrate to add to the visual appeal of the wall. We also knew that information that the Department needs to communicate changes frequently so special panels were installed to the wall to help with easing the task of updating information. The information board was so successful in the Cardiopulmonary Department that Waldo County General Hospital rolled them out in all other departments to convey information and display certifications, as well as using them internally to inform and educate their staff.

Waldo County General Hospital Information Board for Certifications

Waldo County General Hospital Education Information Board